Sunday, 28 February 2010
Shimelles new class!

Sunday, 21 February 2010
Eclectic Keepsakes!

WOW, a monthly crop in the Colchester area! Eclectic Keepsakes have announced their first crop at the Marks Tey Village Hall on 6th March 2010. I am so excited as I simply love the social side of scrapbooking - meeting new friends and enjoying my hobbie at the same time, what more could you ask for. Their 1st crop also has a hybrid scrapbooking workshop which I have wanted to get into since seeing all the wonderful digi kits at 2Peas in a Bucket.
Why not check out their blog HERE and come along aswell.
Saturday, 20 February 2010
Square Challenge
Every time my scrappy pal Helen and me get together we set a challenge just for the two of us and the theme this time was squares. So when we met up today we revealed our pages to each other and took photos to show you.
and this one is mine.
We were both really pleased with the results and whilst we were mulling over the next challenge my DD came up with FOOD as a theme, which should be easy enough as we both love food in all shapes and sizes ( especially BIG slabs of cake). I will probably post them in a couple of weeks after we have met up again, in the meantime I will have to do a bit of research on what is my favourite flavour of Kettle Chips is or how many chocolate brownies I can eat before I really feel sick! Oh the lengths I have to go to for my hobby!
Thursday, 18 February 2010
Bradfield Craft Club
A late arrival from Chrissie.
Bradfield Craft Club has had a little break due to ilness and family commitments but a few of us managed to meet up this week and below are the pages and cards that were done using sketch challenges and the colour red,white and blue.
The layout sketch was from Julie Bonners Blog, which is fantastic for inspiration.

Wednesday, 17 February 2010
True Friends
If you are a pet owner the chances are that there are pet toys in your house, some are the traditional ones - squeaky bone, fluffy mouse, hamster ball. But there are also things that your pet has taken a shine to - your slippers, kids soft toy or just a plain old cardboard box! This week at A True Friends Blog we are posting pages on our pets favourite toy, and below is my page for this challenge. Why not go and check out the other design team members pages and if you have a page the fits in with our challenge leave us a link in the comments as we would love to see it.

Those of you who know me are probably wondering who this dog is in the photo with my DD, well Billy belongs to a neighbour who lets us walk him whenever we want and my girls adore him. The photo shows Billy with his favourite play thing - a piece of hose pipe! When we take him out all he wants to do is fetch it, even other dogs don't interest him when he has his pipe.
Monday, 15 February 2010
Bad, Bad Blogger.
I know I've been missing from my little space in blog world for the last couple of weeks and my reason for this lapse in responsibility is purely selfish - I been reading book after book after book of the True Blood series by Charlaine Harris, I am truly addicted to them ( probably should do a page about it) and if you have read the Twilight books I would highly recommend these other vampire/ supernatural stories.
Anyway here I am with a double page layout that I managed to do in between books. If you have read my previous postings you will know I have been trying to use my stamps more ( with the idea of buying some more next week) and actually have really been enjoying it.
The pattern papers are all Kay and Co and the stamped words around the outside of the pages are from a set by Love Elsie called Forest. I haven't done a double page for ages, although I have lots of multiple sets of photos in my box I much prefer single pages.
I will be back soon to post my page for the True Friends blog which should be updated in the next couple of days, so back to my book for now!
Anyway here I am with a double page layout that I managed to do in between books. If you have read my previous postings you will know I have been trying to use my stamps more ( with the idea of buying some more next week) and actually have really been enjoying it.
I will be back soon to post my page for the True Friends blog which should be updated in the next couple of days, so back to my book for now!
Tuesday, 2 February 2010
Those who know me know I love sketches and the layout below was done using a sketch from the Sarah's Cards Blog. I have followed their blog for some time now and enjoy catching up with their news, especially as the new CHA goodies will be arriving soon!
This layout is of my youngest daughter who luckily loves to have her photo taken (the other two are not so keen) but I usually get a funny face and a silly stance, but I am not one to miss an opportunity to have more photo's! When you see her amusing antics you can't help but have a little chuckle and that's fine by me.
I was continuing my quest to use my stamps more - the leaves of the flower, the flower itself is stamped using a foam stamp as I wanted not only the shape but wanted to change the colour of the felt which was too pastel in shade and finaly the title letters were stamped all over with a flower background stamp to give them a bit of interest.
I think with a couple more layouts having stamping on them I should have earned some new stamps when I go to the Make It show in Farnborough on 27th. Not that I need an excuse but I would have felt a tincy bit guilty if I wasn't using the stamps I already have!
Thanks for looking and why not check out Sarah's Cards blog whilst your here, I will even give you the link - Click Here!
This layout is of my youngest daughter who luckily loves to have her photo taken (the other two are not so keen) but I usually get a funny face and a silly stance, but I am not one to miss an opportunity to have more photo's! When you see her amusing antics you can't help but have a little chuckle and that's fine by me.
I think with a couple more layouts having stamping on them I should have earned some new stamps when I go to the Make It show in Farnborough on 27th. Not that I need an excuse but I would have felt a tincy bit guilty if I wasn't using the stamps I already have!
Thanks for looking and why not check out Sarah's Cards blog whilst your here, I will even give you the link - Click Here!
A true Friend Challenge
Now most people have owned a hamster at sometime, either as a child or their children have got one. My DD received her's last christmas and he is called Domino (because he is black and white), he is a real character and is very tame, but he likes to hoard his food and no matter how much you give him in his bowl it will be removed and stored in his little house!
My girls think it's really funny that Domino puts all the food in his mouth pouch at once. So we set him a test to see how much he could get in at one go, we placed loads of food (hamster biscuits, toast, sunflower seeds and apple) on the table and put him in front of it.
Well, not only was it amazing to see him scoff it all! But we were all in fits of laughter watching him trying to get back into his little house through the small opening, we ended up taking the roof off and putting him in because he wouldn't stop trying to squeeze through the tiny hole with his mouth so full!
Below is a page of Domino stuffing the food in his mouth.
I created this page for the challenge at A True Friend Blog as the theme this week is your pet's talents/tricks, why not pop over there to see the other designers pets strutting their stuff. And of course we would love to see any layouts about your pet and their talents.
My girls think it's really funny that Domino puts all the food in his mouth pouch at once. So we set him a test to see how much he could get in at one go, we placed loads of food (hamster biscuits, toast, sunflower seeds and apple) on the table and put him in front of it.
Well, not only was it amazing to see him scoff it all! But we were all in fits of laughter watching him trying to get back into his little house through the small opening, we ended up taking the roof off and putting him in because he wouldn't stop trying to squeeze through the tiny hole with his mouth so full!
Below is a page of Domino stuffing the food in his mouth.
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